Thursday, October 06, 2005

Dangerous Duty

I am brand new to the blogosphere - just a couple hours old, in fact. As I was thinking of a name for my blog, "Dangerous Duty" came to mind because of John Piper's little book entitled, "The Dangerous Duty of Delight". A dangerous duty it is indeed! A difficult duty it is! For a wretched, nasty sinner like me to delight in God as the Bible commands is impossible! We all need grace to fight the fight of faith, to be given eyes to see the beauty of Christ. This fight is not for the timid and it is not for those with a light, trivial, fun view of the Christian life. The Christian life is war! We should be blood-earnest and serious about delighting in God more than life on this earth. For the stakes are eternal.


Mark Redfern said...

You're so right, Vinnie. "War" is the appropriate word. I am leading a bible study through Piper's "Blazing Center" dvd series with some high schoolers and we are discussing suffering. To become the kind of person that Hebrewes 10:32-34, 11:25-27, 12:1-2, and 13:13-14 talks about is war. This is not who were are by nature - to count reproach as riches (like Moses did), to joyfully accept the plundering of your property (like the early Christians did) and to endure our crosses for the joy set before us (like Jesus did), is no easy task. May God make us strange!

Vinnie Beichler said...

So be it. Amen! The Blazing Center is awesome! We went through it with the teens at our church. It should be a requirement for every teenager in America! (Every adult, for that matter)

Jonathan said...

nice to see u in the blogasphere...its gets addictive ...beware! :)

pastor justin said...

Welcome to the blogashere. I am also very new. It is also good to hear of your God-centeredness and love for Piper. Press on!